My Work

Check out some of my projects...

Bicycle Builder - Full-stack Manufacturer Web application.

Bicycle Builder is a manufacturer website. This website has firebase authentication system. Private route, nested route. This website also has payment integration system. user can order a quantity of product. if user not paid for the product user can cancel this product. if user pay any order product user can not cancel that product. user can update profile from my profile page.

Project features and functionality:

  • The website has several route some of route like (Home, Dashboard, Login, My orders, Blogs, Mange orders, Add product and My Profile).
  • By Default Dashboard route will be hidden. When user login or sign up user can see dashboard.
  • when a user logs in or signs up the server will create a jwt token that will be saved in the browser's local storage. after that, if the user navigates the "my-orders" route then a request with jwt token will be sent to the server to verify the user.
  • If a user logs in or signs up user can see the dashboard menu "My profile", "My orders", and "Add review".
  • This Website has admin functionality. When an admin logs in or signs up admin will not see the user routes like "My Orders", and "Add Review". an admin will see "manage orders", "Add product", "Manage Product" and "all user".
  • Admin can make admin to any user.
  • Admin can cancel any unpaid order also delete any product or add any product.

The technology used in the project:

  • React
  • React Router
  • React firebase hooks
  • Firebase
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Daisyui tailwind component library
  • React Icons
  • React toastify
  • json web token
  • express
  • mongodb
  • Heroku

Fitness House - Full-stack Warehouse Management Service App.

This is a Gym Equipment inventory website where stock many type of Gym Equipment. If you create an account you can add Item in inventory. you can update your inventory item and also you can delete them.

Project features and functionality:

  • The website has mainly seven routes which are (Home, Manage Inventories, Add Item, My Items, Blogs, login, and SignUp).
  • By Default "Manage Inventories", " Add Item", and " My Items" these menus and routes will be hidden. once a user logs in or signs up they get access to those hidden menus and routes.
  • when a user logs in or signs up the server will create a jwt token that will be saved in the browser's local storage. after that, if the user navigates the "my-items" route then a request with jwt token will be sent to the server to verify the user.
  • The website has a private route called InventoryItem. if a user tries to access that route without login then the user will be automatically redirected to the login page. after login, the user can navigate the Inventory detail route.
  • if users forget their password they can reset it through the login page.

The technology used in the project:

  • React
  • React Router
  • React firebase hooks
  • Firebase
  • Bootstrap
  • React Bootstrap
  • React Icons
  • React hot toast
  • json web token
  • express
  • mongodb
  • Heroku

Doctors Portal - Full-stack Hospital Service App.

Doctors Portal is a Hospital Service Web Application. This website has firebase authentication system. Private route, nested route. user can get a appointment for a treatment.

Project features and functionality:

  • The website has several route some of route like (Home, Appointment, Dashboard, Login).
  • By Default Dashboard route will be hidden. once a user logs in or signs up they get access to dashboard.
  • If a user logs in user can booked an appointment or booked many appointment for treatment on appointment route.
  • user can see user's booked appointment on "my appointment" route. user will be able to filter booked appointments with date wise.

The technology used in the project:

  • React
  • React Router
  • React firebase hooks
  • Firebase
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Daisyui tailwind component library
  • React toastify
  • express
  • mongodb
  • Heroku